
  1. N

    Calypso - Saturn Instrument Maker

    Since I couldn't find any tools that gave me full access to the SCSP's unique feature set, I decided to try writing one myself. The result of this effort (and my first serious Sega Saturn project) is Calypso: an interactive sound design program that lets you create and play your own custom...
  2. N

    DSP Linker effect code ripped + Attempt at documenting opcodes

    Someone has probably done this already, but it turns out that you can use ResEdit to extract the assembly source code for the DSP Linker's various built-in effects. I'm not entirely sure how much of it works or translates into the DSP's machine code (and some parts have seemingly-obfuscated...
  3. N

    Looking for Dasm

    My recent attempts to gain experience with the SCSP's DSP chip have run into a large, Dasm-shaped roadbloack. The ISO file linked in this thread is no longer available (and the only other mention of the file online is an equally-inactive torrent link), while the SOUNDTLS.sit file I downloaded...