sonic z-treme

  1. XL2

    Sonic Z-Treme - METAL SONIC 0.865

    Full remake of the Metal Sonic boss fight from Sonic X-Treme. I reused assets found on the leaked 718 build and from the official SDK to recreate that famous fight in a new engine. It's a very quick project, built from scratch in around 15 hours, so please reports any bugs found! Huge huge huge...
  2. XL2

    HELLSLAVE : Project Z-Treme

    Newest version :
  3. XL2

    Model Converter with animation support

    Hi! Here is a tool I wrote but never shared here. It's a model converter that also allows to export animations to a binary format. Animations are using compressed keyframes with linear interpolation (similar to Quake 2). It's per-vertex animation, so you can store your whole model in a single...
  4. XL2

    (Saturn homebrew) Sonic Z-Treme

    Hi all! I'm currently learning c language on my own and game developpment as an hobby. I decided to start with the Sega Saturn (yes, I didn't start with the easiest machine!) and a 3D game (yes...). I've been working part-time on my project, that I named Sonic Z-Treme, since the end of march...