I remember once I had access to every student and faculty member in my district.
Sophomore year of High School:
My friend Travis was trying to figure out my password (The password I used for EVERYTHING at the time. E-mail, IM, School login, etc. He already knew that one), but I had changed it on him for fun (Though I did change it back to my unversal one a couple days later).
Travis tried to be cute, and typed in "jennifer" as my password, because that was a girl that he and I were both interested in at time (He was really into her, I was just flirting a bit here and there).
"Ha! I figured out your password!"
"What did you type in?"
"What the hell? That isn't my password!"
"Well, I have access to your account now."
I look over at his computer and see my Phantasy Star wallpaper and everything on his monitor.
Curious about this "jennifer" I typed in a couple other people's account names, and put "jennifer" as my password. I was in. Tried a couple teacher logins. Had access.
I had access to the entire district for the most part. I bragged about it a bit, but never really did anything with it.