13 students charged w/ felonies for using password


Mid Boss
13 highschool students have been charged with 3rd Degree Felony "Computer Tresspass" after using the password that was written on the back of the school-issued Apple laptops to disable the school's monitering software and then do things like use IM, download music, and look at porn.

I remember once I had access to every student and faculty member in my district.

Sophomore year of High School:

My friend Travis was trying to figure out my password (The password I used for EVERYTHING at the time. E-mail, IM, School login, etc. He already knew that one), but I had changed it on him for fun (Though I did change it back to my unversal one a couple days later).

Travis tried to be cute, and typed in "jennifer" as my password, because that was a girl that he and I were both interested in at time (He was really into her, I was just flirting a bit here and there).

"Ha! I figured out your password!"

"What did you type in?"


"What the hell? That isn't my password!"

"Well, I have access to your account now."

I look over at his computer and see my Phantasy Star wallpaper and everything on his monitor.

Curious about this "jennifer" I typed in a couple other people's account names, and put "jennifer" as my password. I was in. Tried a couple teacher logins. Had access.

I had access to the entire district for the most part. I bragged about it a bit, but never really did anything with it. :huh:
That school was asking for trouble if they wrote the friggin password on the computers. A guy I worked with told me how the install a stroke monitor on the computer teachers PC (he was also the admin) and found the main admin password. They then changed his personal account limiting access. Of course he figured it out pretty quickly.
heh; School's never practice proper security protocols... they deserve every stupid thing they get.

In 9th grade we really used to fuck with the computers at our school. It started in Drafting class when we got the master password for the computers in the room. The entire class went about altering everything on the computers, deleting half the registry, half removing the software we'd use like AutoCad causing it to take hours to recover (what aggrivated me was that the school had only purchased one license for AutoCad and proceeded to use it over and over... the education license is dirt cheap, why the hell were they THAT freakin' cheap. THIEVES) Anyways I myself found some nice troubles in this foray on top of the simple deleting of stupid crap and altering system configurations (like making all the icons pipes and needles and the sort, stupid stoner antics)

1: Get into the main system computer and get a print out out of every student, their addres, phone #, simple medical records (short hand list of allergens and major disease), short hand list of school records. It fit about 5 people to a page, took about 2 hours to print out completely one day when we had a substitute!

There was a purpose to this actually and the later ones explain why

2: Continued access to the system (I never altered PWs or noticeable things as I needed this access for funds) on top of selling drugs I made a decent penny on erasing disciple records and forging report cards, I never changed their grades in the system though... I feel you should actually earn an A but to save you the beating from your parents I'll give you a paper that "says" you got an A. Kids paid a lot for this stuff. They'd come to me with suspensions and I'd remove them from the computer to save them the hastle of having to face their parents.

3: One time a kid pissed me off, I went in marked he was suspended then proceeded to use the print out to call his parents pretending I was an AP and inform them that he had been cursing in class profusely and flipping desks... actually what I do. I also used thos records to profile prospective customers for my report card forging... a bad kid with bad grades is open to pay and usually not gonna rat on you.

4: MY MOST FAV! but tame in comparison to the others

Anyone ever tell you "when breaking the law, break them one at a time". Well my father always told me this and I never understood it till this incident. Don't you just hate it when your robbing a bank and you get pulled over for a broken tail light! Well thats what occurred here kinda.

I went into the computer's admin account on my desk and removed AutoCad... I then went and opened the CD tray; I yanked the tray out pulled the front part of it off and super glued it back on so it looked normal.

Now I raise my hand and as this was common for the teacher he didn't think anything of it. "Mr. ######## someone deleted AutoCad on my computer again!"

He came over, tried to hit the button to open the CD tray and nothing happend. He left and got a butter knife, came back and started to try to pry it open and the plastic flew right off... "Mr. ####### you broke the CDrom! Your gonna get in trouble" I smirked... he was angry.

Later that class then (we had block scheduling) I had Justin this kid who did ANYTHING I told him to take a floppy I brought with me and place an image of a pot leaf that said Legalize under it as that floating flag screensaver on the teachers computer. I then said select any random image and make it the wallpaper... the floppy was full of 50+ raunchy porn. My teacher is an open homosexual... humor shall ensue!

Teacher finds it, points me out and demands me to give him the floppy in my hand... I smash it and say "ain't got no proof" (like they are gonna know how to put it back together...)

Next thing I know I am in the office for tampering with the computers... got suspended for 3 days

Oh wait NO I DIDN'T!