2 New Sonic Games Confirmed!


Staff member
A couple days back we said that a new Sonic game for the GC was on it's way. Now we have news that a new DS game is also on its way! Both will be released sometime late this year! So says ugi Naka of Sega's Sonic Team.
Yes, it was a tech demo, not a full game.

I'm not sure which reports you were reading.

Just like Mario 128 on the Gamecube. We're still waiting for that one...
Originally posted by racketboy@Tue, 2005-01-18 @ 12:21 PM

Yes, it was a tech demo, not a full game.

I'm not sure which reports you were reading.

Just like Mario 128 on the Gamecube. We're still waiting for that one...

[post=128007]Quoted post[/post]​

IGN and Gamespot both called it a Sonic game. Not just a tech demo. I gave you a freakin link. God, whatever. This. Is. Not. News.
I saw the same thing, and all I can say is SONIC R DS anyone.. this would be soooooooooo awesome. Since I loved the saturn version, and having a portable version would own.
Originally posted by FunkyPoopMonkey@Tue, 2005-01-18 @ 06:45 PM

IGN and Gamespot both called it a Sonic game. Not just a tech demo. I gave you a freakin link. God, whatever. This. Is. Not. News.

[post=128008]Quoted post[/post]​

All the link was was video clips of the demo.

Just because IGN and Gamespot says it's a "game" doesn't mean it's a game
Originally posted by stack99@Tue, 2005-01-18 @ 03:06 PM

I saw the same thing, and all I can say is SONIC R DS anyone
[post=128012]Quoted post[/post]​

That would rock. You know, I think Sonic R never really got the respect it deserves. They could release it with updated graphics, new levels... all that great re-release stuff.
I also enjoyed Sonic R, although there was a lot that could have been improved.

More than five courses (and courses with more than one ideal route) would be nice. Also, it would have been nice if they could have increased the speed of the game to something more Sonic-like.

However, I'm hoping for a 2D Sonic game. If handheld Sonic games go 3D, that'll be the end of new 2D Sonic games, as hell will freeze over before they release another 2D Sonic game for a console.