Action Replay Flashing Codes

Hello, everyone! I just registered!

I recently bought a saturn along with a satiator and an action replay 4M Plus cartridge and a retrobit wireless controller. Hdmi cable too! It's a nice setup and I've been having a blast with it. I had a question that I can't find an answer to with google, or on this forum.

I noticed that you can backup the contents of your AR, and the codes you've added will be saved in the backup and reloaded into the ar when restored. That got me wondering -- is there a place where one can find a backup with a complete or at least significant code bank that I could flash into my ar? It came with a lot of codes included but usually when I try a new game it won't have codes for it.

Anyone know where to find a flashable AR 4M Plus backup with codes preinstalled on it?
I believe this download:

Has updated AR codes, if not, I believe one of ex-cyber's does (I may not have re-uploaded it yet). There are other options as well, PSKai has updated codes I believe. In addition to that, if you get a fenrir or rhea, you can also run the PSKai alternate loader menu instead of their official menus, which has cheat codes built in.
I don't think any particular tool exists to alter a backup to include your own codes, though I don't really see why you couldn't.

If you're interested in creating your own tool or doing it by hand in a hex-editor I'm sure others (might) reply here, or more likely, in the SX discord.
Is there any structure information on the backup data? Are codes stored as literal hex data in the dump? Funny I've had a Saturn since the beginning, and have an Action Replay now too - but I still haven't used it.. lol

But this seems like a cool idea and maybe something I can actually wrap my head around.
CafeAlpha's Pseudo Saturn Kai flasher has several firmware, one being Action Replay Plus v2.02C with expanded codes (150 games/610 codes). The Pseudo Saturn Kai firmware also has a collection of cheats (417 games/2053 codes), including some which aren't posted on websites. No one has really worked on a tool do do what you've asked, however now that Fenrir has the ability to dump cartridges we may end up seeing updated versions in the future.

Also I can understand not wanting to replace the AR firmware with PSK's, however all AR cards can be modded to support both firmware with the use of a switch if you are comfortable with soldering.
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Well here's what I mean guys. I can input my own codes into my Action Replay. Then, using the Satiator's AR tool, I can backup the AR. Then, I can clear the AR and load anything on it, check the code list and verify that the codes I've added are no longer on the AR. Then, when reload the backup using the Satiator's AR tool again, my custom codes are once again present along with my save data and whatnot.

This proves to me the concept that you can backup and reload your custom code list onto an AR. So what I'm wondering is if there's a backup out there like mine but full of custom codes?

I've tried the AR flash files you guys have suggested and, while they do have more codes, there are still many,many games on my SD for which those AR flash files don't add codes. So I'm wondering if there's a more comprehensive backup floating around somewhere. Again, I appreciate your time fellas. 'Nuff Respect!

Side question-- does the AR store its codes and saves on a separate chip? Because sometimes my AR will fail to run if I add codes with many save files and I have to reflash. It could be specific game saves that cause it, I haven't done enough logical troubleshooting to ascertain that yet.
Well here's what I mean guys. I can input my own codes into my Action Replay. Then, using the Satiator's AR tool, I can backup the AR. Then, I can clear the AR and load anything on it, check the code list and verify that the codes I've added are no longer on the AR. Then, when reload the backup using the Satiator's AR tool again, my custom codes are once again present along with my save data and whatnot.

This proves to me the concept that you can backup and reload your custom code list onto an AR. So what I'm wondering is if there's a backup out there like mine but full of custom codes?

I've tried the AR flash files you guys have suggested and, while they do have more codes, there are still many,many games on my SD for which those AR flash files don't add codes. So I'm wondering if there's a more comprehensive backup floating around somewhere. Again, I appreciate your time fellas. 'Nuff Respect!

Side question-- does the AR store its codes and saves on a separate chip? Because sometimes my AR will fail to run if I add codes with many save files and I have to reflash. It could be specific game saves that cause it, I haven't done enough logical troubleshooting to ascertain that yet.

Do you have any backups of the AR files you're talking about? I have ideas but I'm not sure how feasible they are..
Yeah, in this zip file. I made the backup using the Satiator's AR tool so I'm not sure how well it will work attempting to load it in another way.
There's only one custom code in here, an invincibility code for Mega Man X4. Can you work with that?


I know it's been a while, but I get your struggle with Action Replay flashing codes. It can feel like a bit of a maze sometimes. From my experience, the key is double-checking the codes and ensuring they’re meant for your specific game version. A slight mix-up can lead to frustration. I’d recommend starting with reliable sources like forums or dedicated websites where folks share tested codes. It helps to read through the comments to see if others had success with them. Plus, don't hesitate to reach out to the community! There are plenty of friendly gamers who love sharing tips.
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