Add/change files on Sega saturn game image (Myst)

Hi everyone !
As Myst has issue with Saturn model 1, I am trying to modify the image of the game to make it working on all saturn.
I can extract files from the bin (track1), with CDmage, modify them, but I can't manage to inject the modify files on the bin again.
I tried to make a new image from the files, but the image is not recognize by the console.
Any idea ?
It should be as easy as right-clicking the file in CDMage, choosing "Import File" and selecting the extracted file you modified. Is that what you did?
Also you can only replace files if the new file is the same size or smaller than the original. If your modified file is larger, the easier way would be using KoD's segasaturnpatcher to create a patch.
Yes, it's pretty easy. You can get it here: Sega Saturn Patcher

1) Open the Sega Saturn Patcher, click "Select Saturn Game" at the top, choose "CD Image," then choose your game's .CUE file in the dialog box.
2) Click the "Create New Patch" button at the bottom.
3) From a separate Windows Explorer window, drag your edited files and drop them into the Sega Saturn Patcher's "Patched Files" area.
4) Click the "Create Patch" button at the bottom. From the dialog box, choose what you want to name the .SSP patch file and where you want to save it.
5) It may take the Sega Saturn Patcher a couple minutes to finish creating the patch if the files are large, but it should eventually give you a window that says "Success Your patch was created."

Now you apply the patch to the original game:

1) Open the Sega Saturn Patcher, click "Select Saturn Game" at the top, choose "CD Image," then choose your game's .CUE file in the dialog box.
2) Click the "+ Game Patch (SSP)" button on the right. From the dialog box, choose the .SSP file you created a moment ago.
3) Click the "Build Image" button at the bottom. From the dialog box, choose what you want to name the patched game files and where you want to save them.
4) Again, it may take the Sega Saturn Patcher a couple minutes to finish patching if the files are large, but it should eventually give you a window that says you were successful.
Thank you again ! I could create a patch for Myst to be played on any Saturn without the CPU error in the underground panel.
I will publish it soon 😉
Just a question : after patching a bin/cue image, the tracks seems to fusion in one track : Myst (track1).bin and Myst (track2).bin + cue become only one file .bin + cue. Is it a problem ?
Thank you again ! I could create a patch for Myst to be played on any Saturn without the CPU error in the underground panel.
I will publish it soon 😉
Just a question : after patching a bin/cue image, the tracks seems to fusion in one track : Myst (track1).bin and Myst (track2).bin + cue become only one file .bin + cue. Is it a problem ?

It should be fine, but if you're worried about it, you can click the "separate tracks" checkbox before making the patch: