Another Form Question...

Ok, in this form i am creating.. there is a yes or no question.. as an example lets say...

Do you live in pennsylvania?


No (If now skip to question 9)

and then you click the little radio button that relates to your answer.. But i want to make it so if they pick No, it automatically sends them to question 9. How could this be done? Any example code or script would be very helpful.
I'm not good enough to give you a code sample, but you need to be using Javascript to perform an action when the mouse is clicked.

You're looking for the onclick() function in Javascript. Nobody knows Javascript, everyone just googles for it. ;)

Chances are somebody has already done what you ask for. :)
Oddly enough i searched google for about an hour before posting here, then of oourse after your recomendation i decided to search some more and immediatly found what i was looking for, only it redirected to other pages. Fortunalty it was easy to manipulate it to use the anchor and target tags.
Ah yes...always a problem with Javascript. Sorry, I can't really think of any easy way to do what you want without Javascript. Write better Javascript! :p
Tell that to those who submit scripts to those free script archives :lol:

But actually the script works fine in all browsers for directing users to a diffeent webpage, but so far any one of them that I have changed to direct to a different part in the same document dont seem to work anything other than in IE.