Anybody have plans for after-Thanksgiving shopping


Established Member
What kinda deals is everyone looking for?

I'm thinking about getting a new USB Memory keychain.

I'm planning on passing my 32MB one down to my wife.

I'd like to get a DVD Burner as well, but I might wait til after Christmas for that.
Crazy. While i was eating i decided i was going to make a "Anyone gonna do any after thanksgiving day shopping" topic. And when i get here, wala! Its there. I don't think it was a coincidence, if ya know what i mean...... :wub:

Ok ok, just kidding! 😛

Surround sound sounds good. Get it! Its a pun! get it! get it!......... :slap
I'm going to the stores in line at about 1 A.M. on friday morning with a friend, i've been to the sales up and early for the past 5 years, and i'm ready to do it again. :lol:

I'm really looking for a new graphics card to replace my 32MB geforce II
While working retail for years, I thought people were crazy for shopping the day after Thanksgiving, especially during the pre-dawn hours. My wifes family does it every year. So since quitting retail, I have gone out 3 out of 4 years. And it is so much fine. Getting the free items and the killer prices. I usually find I buy more for myself than anyone that day.
Originally posted by Zziggy00@Nov 26, 2003 @ 07:28 PM

I'm going to the stores in line at about 1 A.M. on friday morning with a friend, i've been to the sales up and early for the past 5 years, and i'm ready to do it again. :lol:

I'm really looking for a new graphics card to replace my 32MB geforce II

wanna get rid of that geforce? 🙂
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Nov 26, 2003 @ 06:25 PM

Im getting my first digital camera :thumbs-up:

Any suggestions?

Canon Powershot s230 or higher. I do a lot of digital photography, and out of all of the ones I have used Canon has been clearly the best. Incredibly high quality, and there is a light sensor for lighting and distance.

As far as what I'm buying .... most likely an external harddrive for my laptop. I found a 120 gig one for 109$, so I might pick that up soon. I'm also going to try and get a new stylus for my record player, and maybe convince my parents to buy me a new stereo.
i'm going to be working at toys r us and having a nervous breakdown behind my register while my knees explode from being on my feet all day.
I know Best Buy has a deal for a Radeon 9600 I might go for.

Might pick up a 50$ 120gb hard drive too, if I don't feel like I've already spent too much money.