Anybody use pay-as-you-go Cell Phone?


Established Member
I don't use the cell phone a whole lot and have been thinking about ditching my $20 Cingular plan (cheapest I could find) for something cheaper.

Anybody used pay-as-you-go?

Any recommendations?
My recommendation is to get recommendations locally. Preferably from people who live close to you if possible. Cell phone service quality is highly location-specific.
I think that comercial is hilarious, the one with the kids and the women tells them they need to tell her how many times they are going to play with the ball in the next two years. If they go over they will hafta pay fees, if they go under then it is just a waste.

Then it shows all these little kids counting on the fingers and what not.. :lol:
holy jebus where do live. The cheapest plan we have around here is metro PCS (PieCe of Shit). and thats 45 dollars. I dont have it because its a piece of shit... my brother literally has to stand in the middle of the park in front of my house for it to work.

You a lucky sob to get one for 20
I've looked into those pay as you go. The major downfall is the crads you purchase expire between 30-60 days after purchase. The vary depednding on the company. So if you haven't used all of the minutes, you still waste them.
I'm not sure about the other carriers, but with Verizon's prepay service, the minutes stay valid as long as you buy another card before the current one expires. It ends up being around $15/month to keep your minutes accumulating.

edit: post number 2600

Alternatively, post number 2600
My brother used to use pay-as-you-go, with his Kyocera Slider. It is great if you don't use it much, especially if you don't use it at set times (you know how a lot of plans offer more night/weekend minutes). However, once he was using it more, it became too expensive so he got a plan. Well, that is part of it, the other reason is that he now doesn't use any minutes to call his wife's phone and vice versa.