Best Shirt Ever

When I wanted a Genny back as a kid my big selling point to my siblings and father was that we no longer had to blow the carts. So if I got the shirt, on the back I'd like it to be a picture of a generic Genny Cart that says "Save your breathe" underneath.

Seriousily everytime I locate a "old school gamer" shirt it is ALWAYS a Nintendo shirt. Sometimes you might see an Atari shirt and even rarer a commodore or intellivision (I think I've seen 2 C64 shirts and 1 intellivision). But you NEVER see a SEGA shirt. I have yet to find a Sega referrence shirt like they do with all the god damn Nintendo ones.

How about a "Nintendon't" shirt?

Or a Joe Musashi throwing SMS controller shurikens at Mario and friends?

Or one I'd really want... a PS shirt! Like a pic of the 3D dungeon with a chest in it and it says, "We don't need no stinken maps!". A pic of Alis from the title screen and where the title is it says in the same font, "Phinal Phantasy is phor Phags"

Hey doesn't someone here have the SEGA vector font? I think I remember someone having that.

I want an SX shirt god damn it!
Originally posted by lordofduct@Tue, 2005-11-29 @ 05:09 AM

When I wanted a Genny back as a kid my big selling point to my siblings and father was that we no longer had to blow the carts. So if I got the shirt, on the back I'd like it to be a picture of a generic Genny Cart that says "Save your breathe" underneath.

Seriousily everytime I locate a "old school gamer" shirt it is ALWAYS a Nintendo shirt. Sometimes you might see an Atari shirt and even rarer a commodore or intellivision (I think I've seen 2 C64 shirts and 1 intellivision). But you NEVER see a SEGA shirt. I have yet to find a Sega referrence shirt like they do with all the god damn Nintendo ones.

How about a "Nintendon't" shirt?

Or a Joe Musashi throwing SMS controller shurikens at Mario and friends?

Or one I'd really want... a PS shirt! Like a pic of the 3D dungeon with a chest in it and it says, "We don't need no stinken maps!". A pic of Alis from the title screen and where the title is it says in the same font, "Phinal Phantasy is phor Phags"

I want an SX shirt god damn it!

[post=142028]Quoted post[/post]​

I was at work last Friday (Black Friday at GameStop... :sarcasm:), and I was helping a guy with one of those "Nintendo Tech Support" shirts I see all the time. I complimented him on the shirt, and said, "You know, I'd really love to have one of those for Sega." He laughed and agreed.

I love the Phantasy Star shirt idea. How about a picture of Rolf kicking Cloud's ass? (Oh great, I've certainly set myself up with that one 😛)

*Goes and puts on his SX shirt*
Originally posted by it290+Tue, 2005-11-29 @ 02:38 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(it290 @ Tue, 2005-11-29 @ 02:38 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>

[post=142049]Quoted post[/post]​


Thanks it290!

@Tue, 2005-11-29 @ 03:12 PM

I was at work last Friday (Black Friday at GameStop... :sarcasm:), and I was helping a guy with one of those "Nintendo Tech Support" shirts I see all the time. I complimented him on the shirt, and said, "You know, I'd really love to have one of those for Sega." He laughed and agreed.

I love the Phantasy Star shirt idea. How about a picture of Rolf kicking Cloud's ass? (Oh great, I've certainly set myself up with that one 😛)

*Goes and puts on his SX shirt*

[post=142053]Quoted post[/post]​


Ah, so you got a job now! Good for you bro... and at a very fitting place.

Gamestop or EBX would never hire me when I was younger... the Gamestop had some girl working there that supposedly I broke your best friends heart or some shit. She told me it was a spanish girl whos name I think started with V; at that time I had no memory of ever sleeping with a spanish girl yet. unless she could see into the future?

The EBX said I was to old school gamer; they didn't like my go SEGA attitude.

You know... i'm gonna talk to my buddy George who owns a head shop and makes shirts and have him make me a god damn PS shirt! Hells yeah!

you know, now that I think about it, you have told me you work at Gamestop, but that would well just null out my post and stuff and I already typed all this and umm actually I really don't know if you told me, but I'm trying to save face... yeah save face... wait, saying that kinda doesn't save face.
Bro, once again, you make no sense at all.

I've read the last paragraph about five times now, and I'm confused out of my mind.

Have you been drinking again?