Beware KazaA Lite!


Staff member

I stumbled across this warning at CDFreaks about not installing KaZaA Lite Plus. It seems as though it contains extortionware. As defined by SpywareGuide below.

It drive-by installs, phones home after install, gives itself the right (in the EULA) to download and install software from its servers, and you have to *pay them* for a "subscription" with a credit card to have it removed, then opt out of having the "subscription" automatically renewed.

Interesting enough, an EasyWhoIs turned up the owners of "" residing in the Hawaiian Islands.

Thanks to [H]ard OCP for the heads up. So if you use KazaA it's time to format the drive! Software like that is very dangerous anyway so stay away, far far away. Alot of my clients get viruses through software like that. Good for business though 🙂
In the early days, I loved those file sharing progs like Napster. Now they are terrible. All the spyware/adware/malware... they install is autrocious.
Looking at the site its only a new version which has this problem; KaZaA Lite Plus 1.0 by ZaZZeR.

Other versions dont have this problem.

Also this is a different program to Kazaa Lite K++ in case anybody is worried.
Originally posted by axelblazeadam@May 10, 2004 @ 03:40 PM

Looking at the site its only a new version which has this problem; KaZaA Lite Plus 1.0 by ZaZZeR.

Other versions dont have this problem.

Also this is a different program to Kazaa Lite K++ in case anybody is worried.

This is correct. I use (very rarely) an older version of Kazaa Lite K++, when I need access to the kazaa network. Hey, it made it easy enough to track down a copy of Warcraft II, since I can't find mine. Granted, it doesn't have the CD audio tracks because they're STUPID, but that's not the point. It has MIDI and dosbox emulated it perfectly. But I digress. Thanks for the heads up regardless Ice, I'll be sure to let anyone I know who still might use kazaa to avoid the new kazaa lite "plus". Nice plus, huh?
The FastTrack network was dodgy and adware-ridden from the start. Even with some kind of magical bootleg BS-free client, I don't trust the maintainers of the mainline stuff to not mess with me in one way or another. I half expect those hucksters to start slipping user info to the RIAA as part of a secret settlement agreement. If/when I ever get back into filesharing, I intend to use MLdonkey and Freenet exclusively.
I also use an old version of Kazza Lite..

I think the one we all are using without any problems has got shut down. I recently found a site where you had to pay 97 cents a month for a subscription to use the proggy.. dunno this could be the same thing