
I found a place with .torrent files.. and when i try to download the file i get an error..

It says connecting to peers...

Then I get some sort of download error..

Also how do i specify what directory I want to i guess "Share" my files?
Firstly, this probably doesn't belong in this section. Secondly, what kind of error? The torrent could be dead, or you're behind a firewall, or something. You need to be more specific.

Finally, with torrents, you don't 'share' your files. It's p2p on steroids - you share what you've downloaded while the window is open. You should read up on it, it's very interesting.
Well while the topic of bit torrent is up...

Has anyone else heard about people getting busted by there ISPs and other organizations for downloading quetionsable material via bit torrent?

I had been searching for a way to get past my firewall so that i can get a green status light.. and i stumbled onto a few threads in other boards with people saying this has happened to them.
I've heard a few

but I just recommend staying away from movies, music, and current games.

I only DL TV shows for the most part
I use SN. Good stuff.

Although I find the safest route for my needs is IRC. It's such bs the RIAA and stuff. I should't have to go out and buy a 18 dollar cd to hear the only song on there I like.
The library is actually my source of music and movies.

Here in the Bay Area (CA) we can search all the libraries in the surrounding areas (about 10?) and request anything from the entire collection and have it delivered to our local branch. It's very convienent, risk free, and the selection is better than any P2P network.

Plus I can rip at the quality I want.

Put your tax dollars to work. 😀
Ok I dont get it..

I forwarded the ports for use with the Bit Torrent clients and yet I still get a yellow status light.. why?

I also disabled the windows XP firewall.
don't be too concerned with the light color.

I hardly ever get green (usually is yellow) at work, but still get some great DL speeds
Originally posted by RitualOfTheTrout@Jan 13, 2004 @ 03:38 AM

Well while the topic of bit torrent is up...

Has anyone else heard about people getting busted by there ISPs and other organizations for downloading quetionsable material via bit torrent?

I had been searching for a way to get past my firewall so that i can get a green status light.. and i stumbled onto a few threads in other boards with people saying this has happened to them.

look here
Yea.. about after 2 days of running Bit torrent 24/7 I got a call from my ISP.

The guy introduced himself and said he was calling concerning a program I had running on my machine called Bit torrent. He said it was using all my bandwith up and down 24/7 for the past few days and was wondering if I could shut if off or at least shut it off while im not using it.

I wasnt sure if this was just them ttying to be nice and warn me to stop using it.. or if it really did cause the problem they stated. Either way im going to be much more carefull.

The funny thing is is that I had my bandwidth throatled.. so i shoudlnt have been using more than 30K up and 45 down.. and I get 76K both ways max..
yeah MOST of the people I hear about that get calls/emails from their ISP is from going overboard on bandwidth.

I only run mine at work for the 8 hours I'm there.

Plus I'm on a partial T1 used by a decent sized company.
hhmm.. then maybe it would be ok if i only used it for a few hours a day..

I switched to Emule and havent had any trouble with that..

Well excpet the port forwarding issues..