Convert old arcade steering wheel for PC?


Established Member
I was just wondering how easy/cheap it would be to take a steering wheel from an old arcade cabinet (like Outrun) and use it to build a custom controller for a MAME machine or something.

Never built controls before, so I don't know many specifics.
Hmm.. it would probably be fairly difficult. Besides, why would you want to gut an original Out Run? Just get a PC wheel instead.
There are generally two methods of getting data from a wheel type device. One is to attach a potentiometer to the wheel and then the computer reads the resistance to figure out how far the wheel has been turned. The second uses a rotary encoder similar to those found in a mouse. I'm not really sure which an arcade steering wheel would use, but if it's the former, then it's pretty easy to attach to a PC as long as it has a gameport. Gameport joysticks work on the same principle so as long as the total resistance of the potentiometer is about the same as a standard joystick, you would just have to attach it to the right pins of your gameport.

If it uses a rotary encoder (which is more likely) you'd have to either write a custom driver, or get one of those programmable USB interface chips.
People who gut or convert or in any other way destroy equipment from classic arcade games are truly evil. :devil

How you could even consider doing it is beyond me. 😱mg:
Originally posted by mal@Jun 26, 2004 @ 02:42 AM

People who gut or convert or in any other way destroy equipment from classic arcade games are truly evil. :devil

How you could even consider doing it is beyond me. 😱mg:

I personally would gut one -- you know me

But I've seen Outrun wheels on eBay before -- supposed to be used as replacement parts.