Converting to Bin/Cue from other formats (like mdf/mds)?

Is there a decent way to do this conversion?

I recently got a Saroo for exploring things I never deemed worthy of a purchase (or CD-R), and I'm noticing some of the more esoteric Saturn ISOs are often in unusual formats. For example this Sega Screams Volume 1 demo discs, I've searched high & low for it in Bin/Cue format to no avail, I only see it as mdf/mds.

Is this conversion possible or more trouble than its worth?
I'm pretty sure the Sega Saturn Patcher can do it. Anyway you should prioritize getting the redump images and ignore anything different.
Yeah, Ariloso is correct. Redump images are always bin/cue. Just find it on or something, should contain the demo discs too. If for some reason you find a "redump set" that isn't bin/cue then it's not really a redump set, it's something the uploader screwed with before re-uploading.

But yeah, there are multiple ways to approach converting images.
  • Use a program that can convert them directly
    • Sega Saturn Patcher can do it (Found under the resources section)
    • MAME's CHDMAN can likely do it (Convert to CHD and then back to BIN/CUE)
    • Others I can't think of, it's fairly common though.
  • Use a program that can convert them indirectly, mount them as a disc image to a virtual cd-rom and then use a program that can rip to bin/cue.
That said, the first suggestion of redownloading is the best bet unless you need to avoid that for some reason (metered internet).