Cool Sega Wallpapers from Hitmaker

Man, that is super lame how they have everything in exe files. Doesn't appear to be possible to extract them manually from my end either. That Crazy Taxi model kit is pretty cool, though.
Can someone email that guy and ask for permission to post them here? I don't speak his native tongue.
Originally posted by it290@Jun 22, 2004 @ 07:25 PM

Man, that is super lame how they have everything in exe files.  Doesn't appear to be possible to extract them manually from my end either.  That Crazy Taxi model kit is pretty cool, though.

Those are StuffIt self-extracting executables. They extract fine for me. Even the file modification date/time stamp of the extracted bitmap is intact. 🙂
Hmm, well I managed to use unstuff on the .sit files, I suppose the same would probably work on the executables now that I know what the hell they are... normally I try to run unzip or unrar on those things. Keep in mind I'm using LInux here.