Cops track emergency call to malfunctioning TV


Established Member
On Monday 18 October, police in the U.S. picked up a distress signal broadcast in the emergency 121.5 MHz frequency band. The signal is used by search and rescue workers to locate downed airplanes. Officials in Corvallis, Oregon traced the signal to a neighborhood, then to an apartment. They eventually located the source. It was a flat-screen television set with a built-in DVD, VCR and a CD player. It had just run out of warranty. The university student who owns the television set was ordered to "cease emitting a false distress signal" or face a fine of USD 10,000.00 per day. He stopped watching TV immediately.

source: NEWS.COM

:blink: :lol:
Heh... maybe just enclose the telvision inside a big lead box or something? Or just raise a big stink about it and hope the manufacturer will compensate by providng a bigger, better TV to avoid the bad publicity?
Poor guy... i hope he gets a fuckin' refund despite the warranty being up and done. Thats fucked up, those companies are supposed to make sure they don't do that.

And now for those of you who always bitched about not using you gameboy or cd player during lift off now know why. (and if you wondered, your a momo!)
Yes, actually, now that I think about it, why would he be responsible? Wouldn't it be the manufacturer's fault for not complying with FCC regulations?
They complied. Warranty expired, timer in system goes off, unit magically malfunctions. What's not to get?

Anyway, this is why I stick to CRTs. 😉 OK, so that's not why, but still.