Corel draw


Established Member
Does anyone on here use or have Corel Draw 7.0 or lower... a long time ago i used Corel to make this dot-matrix photo for silk screen prints and i want it converted and I am having a hard time converting it (due to the lack of having Corel Draw anymore) I cant find anything online to convert and would like to know if some one knows where to find a prog to do it... or if they can do it for me. the file is only 172K so its wouldn't be hard to transfer on my piddly 56k connection.
email it to me. I'm just taking a break from a Corel 10 session as I type this; hopefully it should open the file w/no problems. Corel is still the best vector app in my humble opinion. 😉 Not sure if the board lets you transfer files directly over email, so if not send me a mail and i'll reply and you can send it normally.