Corpse Killer 32X CD

Does anyone have any problems with this game skipping during gameplay? My copy is a brand new original, and ever since i've gotten it the game has skipped during the shooting sequences. Is this a hardware or software related problem?
I don't remember there being any real problems. I think one of the shooting sequences lagged for a few frames, but it was fine once it got started.

Of course, I didn't play very far into it. I found it rather boring (especially since I don't have a lightgun) and I had mainly bought it for reverse engineering purposes.
Yes devour. Identical issues. Original game, not a copy. Maybe they produced a bad batch, or the CD otherwise aged poorly (despite being sealed in original box)? What model SCD do you have?
My Sega CD's a model 2. I havn't had any problems with skipping in the past on any games, so I thought it might be an issue with the disc.
I also have a model 2. I was worried that my CD unit was starting to fail, but it seems OK on other games. My Corpse Killer 32X CD is in absolute mint condition, and it still does this, badly too at times. Maybe I'll screw with it some more when I find my blasted Justifier.