Crystal Chronicles 2?


Staff member
Apparently SquareEnix are working on a second Crystal Chronicles game which is a sequel to the GC game. This game will come out for the Revolution system.

Thanks to the Magic Box for the news.
I also heard from my local Gamestop dude that Square has also announced some other games for the Revolution as well... he also mentioned that they were able to do this since the contract between Sony and SE is now over... if this is all true, then i am truly in my happy place 🙂

EDIT: I talked with the guy for like 10 whole minutes about how much the Revolution is gonna rock compaired to the 360 and PS3 🙂... it's always nice to know that i'm not the only nintendo fan in the area.

EDIT2: Ok... SE's status as a "Free Agent" so to speak is true... they have pledged support for the DS and the Revolution, but it would seem as though this is the first game to be announced... of course, i haven't searched SE's press conference, and i'm just too darn tired to do it right now.
Great, just what we need, another over-done dungeon crawl plus a game based on Final Fantasy, whoopie!
You know what? I think we could use FF7, 8 and 9 redone exclusively for the Revolution... that'd be killer.
Of course, when i say "redone" i really mean it. Like, go through and practically remake all 3 games... mainly just the graphics and stuff 🙂
Black_Dog said:
You know what? I think we could use FF7, 8 and 9 redone exclusively for the Revolution... that'd be killer.
Of course, when i say "redone" i really mean it. Like, go through and practically remake all 3 games... mainly just the graphics and stuff 🙂

Nah, I'm just saying that because I really dont like FF... <_<
Seriously, they need to stop making crappy FF side stories and quit the sequels. It's getting really old, not to mention crappy too. 😛
I would agree. Last FF game I played and enjoyed til the end was FF VII (not including Tactics series). I have FF IX and it's good; I just didn't feel the urge to finish it.
Well... FFXII comes out sometime in the future... too bad it's for the PS2.
I don't think Tactics could be considered a series... there was Tactics, then Tactics Advance which is like Tactics on Acid... not that it's bad or anything, it's just that they re-wrote the story while on acid.
Advent Children comes out 9/14/05 in both Japan and the States (It's a movie btw.... in case you've been under a rock for the past 3 years)... that's basically there to fill in the gap between VII and the upcoming Dirge of Cerberus which looks like a 3rd person shooter staring Vincent... yay [/sarcasm]
FFX-2 wasn't really needed... but i guess it was pretty popular... i wouldn't know, i still haven't bought a PS2.
FFXI should burn in hell.
FFIX's ending was pretty standard FF. You fight a big boss that has nothing to do with the initial story line, during the battle you wonder "why the hell am i fighting this guy?" and then you watch the 2 hour ending movie and afterwords 3 letters pop into your head... WTF... but it wasn't really a bad ending.
so yeah... ok, i'm done.

EDIT: Long live the Revolution!!!!!