Well... FFXII comes out sometime in the future... too bad it's for the PS2.
I don't think Tactics could be considered a series... there was Tactics, then Tactics Advance which is like Tactics on Acid... not that it's bad or anything, it's just that they re-wrote the story while on acid.
Advent Children comes out 9/14/05 in both Japan and the States (It's a movie btw.... in case you've been under a rock for the past 3 years)... that's basically there to fill in the gap between VII and the upcoming Dirge of Cerberus which looks like a 3rd person shooter staring Vincent... yay [/sarcasm]
FFX-2 wasn't really needed... but i guess it was pretty popular... i wouldn't know, i still haven't bought a PS2.
FFXI should burn in hell.
FFIX's ending was pretty standard FF. You fight a big boss that has nothing to do with the initial story line, during the battle you wonder "why the hell am i fighting this guy?" and then you watch the 2 hour ending movie and afterwords 3 letters pop into your head... WTF... but it wasn't really a bad ending.
so yeah... ok, i'm done.
EDIT: Long live the Revolution!!!!!