Divx Linux


Mid Boss
I got rid of Redhat and switched to SuSE. Well worth it. Anyway, anyone have any idea how to get this damned codec to work under Linux? I installed it and it still doesn't work.

I also simply copied my *.dlls and made a folder called /usr/lib/codecs; here I got kaffeine/xine to run Indeo encoded stuff, but no mpeg-4 or divx. I can get sound.

I gave up on mplayer. The dependencies boggled the mind, it was simply not worth it.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Hmm.. on my Gentoo setup, the win32 codecs live in /usr/lib/win32, but I suppose it doesn't matter where you put them so long as they show up. Are you compiling xine yourself or using precompiled binaries? And are you trying to view divx's via the windows codecs, or other means? I forget what the name of the library for divx support is (actually I think there are a couple), but if you have that compiled and installed before you build xine, you shouldn't have any problems.
Mmm, I came across the recompiling business of Xine; duly noted.

I'm trying to used precompiled binaries. Makes sense that I would need to recompile it, now that I'm thinking about it.

Ah, it's too late to try doing anything about it now. Thanks for the heads-up, It290.
Do you know what the command parameters of Xvid? I have it installed, but can't for the life of me get it to run.
It's a codec, not a program. What you get is a shared library (Linux version of a dll), you then need a player/encoding tool that's configured to use it.
Yeah, xine and mplayer should both be able to use xvid. But again, they'll have to be compiled with support... which _should_ be configured automatically if you have everything installed in the right place.

Unfortunately, I've never used SuSE before- were it otherwise, I'm sure I could offer some more helpful advice.
yes, that's exactly it - xvid and kaffeine were already set up when I started running SuSe. So I have no idea why xvid wouldn't work. I thought I may be getting something wrong, but no - no such luck.

So I'll see in the way of recompiling xine and see if that fixes things, or just recompile to Indeo anyway. It works, and it's much smaller than both divx and xvid.

Thanks for all the help thus far...