Do you have any game rituals you like to follow?


Established Member
I was playing VF just now, and this popped in my head: Do you have any rituals you like to follow while playing games?

A ritual I do, is that I always meditate before I play VF. It helps me clear my mind, and focus solely on what Sarah and I need to do.
If I want to play a game for more than a couple hours at a time, a nice bowl beforehand always helps. 😉
Originally posted by Des-ROW@Jun 14, 2004 @ 06:39 PM

I set the sound system in a very high volume, play with the equalizer and turn the lights off.

I would do that to, but in my house sound goes through the walls like they're made of paper. It pisses everyone off when I turn the volume all the way up. That works against me in many other ways too.
Heh.. I remove all distractions as well. Actually, it depends on the game.

If it's VF, I'll make sure nothing is the way it shouldn't be (I have a little OCD...), then meditate. I usually meditate for about a minute or so, to clear my mind of anything non-VF.

Then Sarah and I do our thing! 😀
Originally posted by racketboy@Jun 14, 2004 @ 11:17 PM

Personally, I press the power button

:agree On the TV and the console in question. If this were a poll, I'd vote no, since that's a prerequisite and not a ritual.
For games like VF4e it usually takes me up to a half-hour to warm up, and 'get in the zone' as it were. Until then I get the crap beaten out of me.

EDIT: He's right, you should have made this a poll!
I often get myself an ice cold class of soda (preferably soda) if I'm starting a new game, or about to take on a boss or something. And the lights must always be off.

And if I'm playing Jet Set Radio (or JSRF), I turn the volume way up.
I like to get my feng shui points up and do a little cleaning before playing a new game or piece of electronics .
I clear a nice spot in the middle of the floor. Then, i make a heap of pillows and get comfy. I'm then good and set for a few hours. Of course this only relates to my systems in the living room. (Saturn through X-Box)
Originally posted by link343@Jun 15, 2004 @ 02:15 PM

I play games in my room all alone sometimes hours at a time without stopping.

I thought that was a given. If this was a poll, you'd also have to vote no.
Before I play any challenging game that requires good coordination, I frequently pop in Space Harrier (32X) and play it for a few minutes. The super fast pace of the game gets my twitch reflexes in gear, so it's a great warmup. That and it's damn fun anyway.

Also, before playing Radiant Silvergun I often go into the soundtest and play the first few tracks. While listening, I visualize myself playing, and go through all that I must remember.
A few times, usually when I'm all alone at home, I turn off the lights, close the curtains, hook up my PC Creative speakers (oldies, but damn, they sound good) to the console (mono TV sux!), position the speakers very close around me, crank the volume and the bass waaay up, and I'm set! That way I get "in the zone" pretty quickly, and the gaming immersion experience becomes damn awesome.

BTW, the only games I ever played this way were shooters. Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga and Rez. Ah, I do this with Policenatus sometimes: that friggin' game can get really immersive that way even if it just still pictures.
When I play horror games (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc) I turn the volume up and the lights off. I also turn my surround sound system on. It makes you feel a part of the game.