Doom for DC


Mid Boss
On the 'news' page there's a link for DoomDC. Anyone have any experience with it? What WADs can you use with it?
You need the wad files from an origenal copy. The idea behind the port was not to pirate the game but to bring one to the dc that wasn't an origenal release. It may work with the shareware version wad files as well though.
I probably should clarify. I have all the Doom games (and will hopefully have Doom3) and was wondering if there was a front end like Doom95 which lets you pick the WAD file which to wish to use.
Yeah, it comes with no WAD files, but it does work with Shareware Doom

Basically, there is a Win32 build of the same code in the zip, so you can test mods before you burn
Originally posted by MTXBlau@Aug. 11 2002, 8:23 pm

I probably should clarify. I have all the Doom games (and will hopefully have Doom3) and was wondering if there was a front end like Doom95 which lets you pick the WAD file which to wish to use.

This from the readme:

7. The ModMenu - Dreamcast


The ModMenu is used to load mods on a Dreamcast. It is stored in DOOM/MODMENU.TXT on the CD

It's a plain text file, with one line for each mod. Each line has the following format:


Name is the name of the mod, as it will show up on the Mod Menu.

MainWad is the name of the main WAD file to be used, such as "doom2.wad" or "doom.wad"

CommandLine is the command like that would be given to the PC version (nearly)

Description is a long description of the mod. A # is a new line.

Note that all filenames have to be in KOS format. In other words, to load ALIENSTC.WAD from

the DOOM directory on the cd, you would use this as the command line:

-file /cd/doom/alienstc.wad

You can also specify DeHacked patches using the -file parameter. So, to load Aliens TC,

your command line might be something like:

-file /cd/doom/alienstc.wad /cd/doom/alienstc.deh

Note that most mods require a certain version of Doom to work. For example, the version of

Aliens TC that I have requires Ultimate Doom. So, I would have the line in the modmenu as:

Aliens TC,doomu.wad,-file /cd/doom/alienstc.wad /cd/doom/alienstc.deh,Aliens for Doom#Very cool TC!

Other Mods/TCs, like Batman Doom, require Doom2. For these, you'd use something like this:

Batman Doom,doom2.wad,-file /cd/doom/batman.wad /cd/doom/batman.deh,Batman Doom#Run around shooting people as Batman!

There is an example MODLIST.TXT included, along with an example DeHacked file.

The normal versions of Doom are automatically added to the Mod Menu.