Doom Movie

Ok, so I must say it was quite better than I expected it to be. It does take place in Mars after all, even though the base isn’t as vast as in Doom 3.

They did a good job with the imps & the Hell Knights looked almost identical to the ones in Doom 3.

The scenario was missing the dimensional gate ways to Hell & the hell spawns were actually mutated scientists, instead of demons, which was a disappointment.

Also the dark & sinister atmosphere of the game was missing.

The FPS scene was awesome; it looked as if it was taken directly from Doom3 & House of the Dead, especially the part with the axe dropping on the zombie's head.

I loved the part when the soldier was attacked by the “pinky” mechanical hell dog, which was actually the guy with the wheel chair that was grabbed earlier by the Hell Knight.

The whole scene resembled the “pinky” attack scene from Doom3 alpha imo.

I wish the BFG had been used a bit more in the movie. Also the blue colour of the blast simply didn’t justify the destructive, sinister & nuclear green colour of the game’s BFG.

What I found stupid was the part when the hell knight cut through a thick steel door leading to the ark gate way, using a chainsaw.

Oh, and that Rock “actor”… well, he sucked, big time that is!

But then again, so was most of the cast of the actors.

It was funny that the old scientist's name was "Dr. Carmack" after John Carmack, the owner of id software.