Dreamcast Power Consumption

My name is dc_dude, and I have been working on a project for some time now, a project to realize the dream that every SEGA Dreamcast lover has. I am building a portable Dreamcast.

Unfortunately, I have run into a few kinks in the road as I progress further - The blasted power board is soooooooooo confusing! If anyone has any info about this monster of a dilemma, please e-mail me at dchw_dude@yahoo.com. Or ,if you really feel that you can help, join the pDC DEV group on Yahoo! groups, under the Dreamcast Category. Thank you for your time.

I'm wondering why you're doing this since there's already the Treamcast. But you might wanna join up on http://dcforums.net - it's a Dreamcast forum and a great resource for all things DC, including devving on it. (Devving? Methinks I just created a new word :blink: )
Originally posted by Taelon@Mar 5, 2004 @ 11:31 PM

I'm wondering why you're doing this since there's already the Treamcast.

Treamcast is illegal, but anyway he probably wants to do it just because he can. Anyway, last I checked there was someone working on doing exactly this on the dcemulation forums. You might want to check the hardware section there, I haven't looked in on that project in some time.
Yeah isn´t the Treamcast just a modded DC in the end? They should be able to sell modded consoles, but I also think the Treamcast is really on the edge of whats legal and not... Its just a new case with crappy third party pads.
The reason I am doing this is because I want to . . . and I woukld like to be able to play it in the park, and elsewhere, like camping. I still have NO CLUE on the power board, but my hacked version of KATANA-2 ,the semi-modified GD-ROM unit, and the hacked- up controller work . . . That lousy power board has to shrink, or go completely.

By the way, If you were wondering, I am dc_dude at the boob! forums. I also think that the Treamcast is not worth all the hype around it, and they are WAY too expensive to get into the states.

The Treamcast
You read the thread right?

Originally posted by dc_dude@Mar 17, 2004 @ 01:42 PM

I also think that the Treamcast is not worth all the hype around it, and they are WAY too expensive to get into the states.