Europeon Stores that ship to United States.

Yeah, but aren't you going to need a stepdown converter as well? Not to mention whatever problems you might have with video modes.
I already checked, and it will output in 60hz no problem.

As for the stepdown part..

Hm.. Didn't think of that...
eh, not worth it to get the fancy controller/plate but could be cool. I am not sure how easy/hard the plate is to take off but maybe switch it from the PAL Cube' onto your US one?
I wouldn't bother with that, it seems like more work than it's worth. Don't they have a Japanese Biohazard 4 Gamecube? Who ever heard of Europe getting special consoles anyway, I'd be suprised if the game was released by April of next year on the other side of the pond.

EDIT: Wow, sooner than I thought. Resident Evil 4 comes out Mar. 18 in Europe.
If (or when) the bundle comes out in Oz I could probably pick one up if you still want it.

As far as the PSU is concerned, just use one from a US GC. They just output 12v...
I already checked, and it will output in 60hz no problem.

Just pissing in the wind here, but won't the color encoding be different? Unless you can specificially set it to operate in NTSC (vs. 60hz PAL), that is.
Originally posted by mal@Sat, 2005-02-05 @ 11:06 AM

As far as the PSU is concerned, just use one from a US GC. They just output 12v...

[post=129114]Quoted post[/post]​

How exactly would I do that? Remember, I can't solder at all, nor do I plan on learning anytime soon.
well you'll need to fabricate some sort of a 50/60hz chip so you'll need to be able to solder to do that. Aside from that, wont regular US GCN hookups work?
Originally posted by Pearl Jammzz@Sat, 2005-02-05 @ 02:44 PM

well you'll need to fabricate some sort of a 50/60hz chip so you'll need to be able to solder to do that. Aside from that, wont regular US GCN hookups work?

[post=129127]Quoted post[/post]​

Yeah, that's what I wanted to know. I plan on using my own USA power cord and A/V cables.
Originally posted by RolfWrenWalsh@Sun, 2005-02-06 @ 06:31 AM

How exactly would I do that? Remember, I can't solder at all, nor do I plan on learning anytime soon.

[post=129123]Quoted post[/post]​

You say power cord, I say PSU.

In this case it's effectively the same thing.