Game shopping at 2nd-hand stores


Established Member
Just went to my local Goodwill store for the first time.

Little disappointing.

Only interesting thing I found was a model 1 Genny for $10.

Actually it was marked $20, but all white-tagged items (which this was) were 50% off.

Is this even a good deal? It didn't have any cables or controllers either.

What type of stuff do you usually see at such stores?

How frequently do they get new goods?

Any other thoughts?
I've found that they're streaky. Sometimes they have like new boxed nes games, sometimes they've got nothing but 3 button sega genesis controllers. The good thing is that they never know what they have, and they have a general price. Sometimes you can find something that'll run you alot at funco or gamestop or whatever, for like 5 bucks.

I bought a Genesis deck for 7 bucks, one of the older ones without the license screen. That gave me a chance to paint my old one.

I've had better luck with hipper thrift stores like Out of the Closet. I scored Zillion complete for a couple of bucks.

Also for you mac dorks, at the st vincent thrift store here in LA, has a bunch of old powerpc macs and mac junk for less than 20 bucks.
Hey, I work at a Goodwill! I don't know about the ones in your area, but the Cleveland reigonal stores do Wednesday dollar day. Wares 4.99 and under = 1.00, all clothes are a dollar etc. etc.

I haven't seen too many game systems come though. I've sold a couple of NESs, Genesises (some w/ SCD), a TG16 (if memory serves).

HEY. Goodwill is hip.
well our CA one was pretty picked over.

They had a few CD players and tape decks w/ speakers that looked alright, but they were a bit over priced and I don't really need any extras at the moment.

I think ours is kinda overpriced overall.

Once I move again, I really wanna check out their stuff for furnature etc.
I probably buy about 90% of my games stuff second-hand, but most of that's from specialist places like Gamestation and CEX over here. The more general second-hand shops don't often have much in the way of games.. If they do it'll be a battered copy of a crap game, quite a lot of the time you'll have a look and they'll have 4 copies of Tomb Raider Chronicles or something and nothing else in the rest of the shop.
well I usually buy used games too but it's usually get them at eBay/ or from people here.

But I was hoping to score some cheap stuff locally.

Does anybody think that Model 1 Genny (w/o accessories) is worth picking up for $10?
I scored a Model 2 Genesis for $3 at the ARC, now that was a nice deal. You don't see that much in general though. Only other really cool electronics I've gotten at thrift stores were a TI-99/4a ($10), a Technics MK1200 Mark 1 (heh, never had seen one of those before... doesn't compare to the Mk2s though) turntable ($20), and a 21" BNC monitor ($8.95). The only other things you really see alot of are crappy overpriced PCs, crappy analog PC joysticks, and the occasional Apple II.
There is absolutely nothing at the many Chicago land thrift stores.

So there is no reason for you to even try.

I repeat, there is nothing in the Chicago thrift stores.

Please do not shop there.

Thank you.
I find its all luck when it comes to thrift stores. I had a few weeks where every week I'd find somethign cool, like 4 or 5 SMS games (complete) that I didnt have, about 10 NES games I picked up, a complete in box atari 7800 Pro System w/ 3 games. I dont even think I spend a whole 20 dollars on all that stuff. It's been kinda dry lately though. So I'd say its all luck, and finding the stuff before the other guy!
Hit up swap meets. I've had all kinds of luck over the years at my local swap meet. Bought a TG16 for 3 bucks. A virtua gun when the saturn was still in its day for 5 bucks. And one of my most awesome finds ever a Turbo Duo w\o hookups for 15 bucks. Swap Meets what more can I say.
lol...swap meets are just another word for flea markets and so on...although, round here, flea markets are just use for knockoff brands and bootleg music and over priced electronics and crappy computers.
That sounds cool

In our local goodwill store all there is is like kitchen appliances and stuff and clothes, lots and lots of clothes. I shop there sometimes if I want a pair of pants to cut up or draw on.
Look in the classifieds. The few ones i know about here in LA is the Starlite swapmeet in El Monte on Rosemead Blvd, which is just the type of swapmeet that lethal_illuminati described, and the Pasadena Swapmeet at the rose bowl which is like on the second sunday of every month.
hmm, here in Holland (and Belgium) I've had some deals from 2nd-hand stores over the years:

-NES clone system in SNESlike case, 10e (with hookups)

-2 C64's + tapedrive, 15e

And from flea markets:

-US snes + 32M backup unit, 30e :cheers

-Megadrive with 3 pads, Batman game and hookups, 20e (not really a deal, but

hey I was still young & green back in the day :p)

-NES with SMB+DH cart, 2 pads and gun but no PSU, 0.30e :D

-Philips Videopac with 64 games (62 boxed), 20e

-another NES with pads, SMB cart and gun, 7e

-Amiga 500+ with some boxed games and accesoires, 8e
a friend of mine found a complete copy of lunar: silver star at our local value village for 4 bucks. he said, and i quote, "dude i had a boner that could crush the earth."