Gimme cool ideas for a sweet retro-gaming setup

Well I found a pretty cool site about MVS projects, for anyone that has some Neo-Geo arcade setups.

I wish I could do some of that stuff; maybe when I get my own place.

This also reminds me of a problem I've been having: I can only hook up four consoles at a time with my current entertainment center/TV stand. Does anyone have any recommendations for that? I saw something here from IKEA in one of the picture threads a while back, but I forget the model name.
I have all my consoles (thats 16!) hooked up to my tv and stereo in my living room. granted systems like sega 32x and CD kinda combine as one. So I use 3 5 way splitters from pelican... 1 is just regular RCA (for old systems) and the other 2 i have are s-video.

kind of like this!!!!

i just wire one into the other so they both can work off the same in on the tv... I built my own entertainment center to hold ALL my vid game systems... it used to also hold all the games, but my collection has grown since I built it.


As for you racketboy... How about talking about good ways to organize your systems! A collection of retro systems usually takes up LOTS of space... take a look at my living room, not much room to shove my 3 flatmates, myself, and visitors... everyone usually ends up having to stand around the dining area (a.k.a. dexter's bedroom)

Things like those useful video switch boxes... and wiring tips... (I wrap mine with that black ribbed stuff, dont know what its called... thats sounds so creepy)

And one more thing. Even though consoles are very low wattage... when you start plugging in several consoles, tv, stereo, lights and whatever else you have in the room... make sure you don't hook them all into the same outlet and don't turn everything on at the same time if they are on the same circuit! Depending on the set up of your room this can cause a problem. When I lived with my parents I blew the circuit a few times because of all my stuff being on and being on the same circuit as the den and my parents room.
Originally posted by lordofduct@Thu, 2004-12-02 @ 09:10 PM

(I wrap mine with that black ribbed stuff, dont know what its called... thats sounds so creepy)

[post=124898]Quoted post[/post]​

From you it does. 😛