Guess who's back!?

Guess who's back!?

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've been able to browse this board on a regular basis, but the old highspeed has come back in this week. I fought bell and won and found a provider that gives me faster service, no caps and 15 bucks cheaper a month.

Anyways, things have changed quite a bit over here since I left, most notibly the VGR and disbandment of the FTPA (of which I was a member.....kinda) My life's been different since then before, for those of you who recall, my drug addicted friend finally checked into thrapy (Thank goodness!) and I bought a new car. (2002 Impreza).

Anyways, just so everyone knows, and I hope I'm not breaking any new rules here, but the hub is still open for service, albeit under a new address. (Mods, it's a great place where people come together to talk about stuff as well, with upwards of 120 ppl a nite. So don't think it's just for shady activity)

Anyways, I'd just like to say hello to all the friends I've made on this board and that I hope to make a positive contribution to the Sega community again.

Thanks and I'll see ya around!
Guess who's back!?

Welcome back and enjoy your stay.

Gallstaff will be serving cupcakes soon and the beer is on Curtis!
Guess who's back!?



I hope it's imported....

Stella Artois or Heineken anyone?
Guess who's back!?

The cupcakes, they're really good.

The beer, it's that imported one from Malasia.

It tastes like dog saliva.

(I wish I had some Orbitz. Mmm...chunks of fruity goodness floating in fruit juice/pop stuff.)
Guess who's back!?

Originally posted by IceMan2k@Oct. 03 2002, 4:25 pm

Welcome back and enjoy your stay.

Gallstaff will be serving cupcakes soon and the beer is on Curtis!

Yep - If I had a say of it the board would become xxxxXtreme


Welcome, ye olde member!