help, genesis (megadrive) doesn't work!!!

help, genesis (megadrive) doesn't work!!!

it makes a humming noise from the tv speaker, and the picture of the game go's up en down on the screen.

i have tried everything please help me!!!!!

sorry fo my bad englisch greetz from holland
help, genesis (megadrive) doesn't work!!!



througt RCA or SCART ?

MD1 or MD2 ? (MD2 won't surprise me here!)

we need more info
help, genesis (megadrive) doesn't work!!!

Basicaly, if the game you play is in 240 line height (50hz display) and if your tv is a 60hz, the picture will make a speedy vertical scroll.

Is your TV compatible with 50hz, are your games EU?

All your games produce this effect?

Maybe its just a 50/60hz issue.
help, genesis (megadrive) doesn't work!!!

Could be the wrong video mode alone, but the original poster didn't say if there was any sound at all or just the humming noise .. can you get photos or an audio capture? First thing I would check is cabling .. and then another TV.