How often do you play your old Sega consoles?

I play my Sega consoles a lot. I've been playing a lot of Saturn lately, and a fair amount of Genesis and Dreamcast. The only other gaming I've been doing lately is a bit of RE4, some PC gaming and my NGPC for those toilet breaks... although I've been playing Sonic on it!
I own but a genesis and two games, Streets of Rage 2 & Phantasy Star IV. I will enjoy the new PSIV when it shows itself in a couple weeks.
I play my sega cd more than any of my other systems, but lately, I've been playing basically nothing. I just go through gaming phases. Sooner or later, the ol' genesis will be turned on again, and it'll probably outlast my xbox, gamecube, and my third ps2 systems by a long shot lol
Ermm, aside from Ikaruga on my GC and Halo 2 on my XBOX I only play my older systems. Aslong as you allow DC into that box cause I have to whip out some good ol' Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 here and there.

This week has been a genny and NES week for me (as my saturn is kinda sick right now... for some reason its stuck in 50hz mode??? grrrrr and I don't have much time anymore to pull the bitch apart and look inside, so its sitting in pieces on my entertainment center.)

Yesterday I FINALY beat Bubble Bobble on the NES and got the very good ending (you know where you turn back to human and save both the girlfriends and parents) JESUS that was harder then I expected. I know now why I never beat it as a kid.
I have no need to play burning rangers since I bought gunvalkyrie... same happened when I bought outrun 2... old outrun was not enough when I saw the new one