How tidy is your home?


Established Member
The results of a study of 8,000 twins has shown that children who grow up in organized homes benefit in terms of future cognitive skills compared to matched children growing up in homes that are cluttered. The results show that homes of wealthier and better-educated parents are slightly more organized in general. However, the results demonstrate that the level of chaos and general untidiness in a home has an impact on cognitive skills regardless of the level of wealth. For details see

Time to clean that room! 😉
Very picky. I hate cluttered, disorganized rooms. My number 1 pet peve is stepping on anything but the floor.

So the answer is..... Ultra Clean.
clean, but overcrowded, my massive game collection is rapidly filling up my wife and I's small apartment... 🙁 but its all about the beer, oooops.. err um the :cheers :cheers
See, now, I know where everything is in my room. It is all piled up on the floor. Everytime I've ever cleaned it and put stuff away, suddenly I can't find anything I'm looking for.
Originally posted by VertigoXX@Aug 30, 2004 @ 06:39 PM

See, now, I know where everything is in my room. It is all piled up on the floor. Everytime I've ever cleaned it and put stuff away, suddenly I can't find anything I'm looking for.

Exactly. There's order in that chaos. Whenever I shelf/closet stuff, I do so knowing I won't see it again for a long time.
Hrmmm.... im a mix. I am all about order when it comes to my furniture is placed and where my stuff goes. But, then i have what i call my "Filth Sanctuary" ill have one room designated to total untidiness. That and I will always use my couch in my room as my laundry basket. Oh and my kitchen has to be messy too, i think clean kitchens means they arent used. But other then that im generaly neat.
My house is very nicely organized.

Really, the only remotely messy part(s), would have to be my basement.

I got all these old game magazines piled high in front the shelf of my game collection. My PSMs and Official PlayStation Magazines are all nicely organized, but all my Nintendo Powers, GamePros, EGMs, Game Informers, and Incites are all either piled high in front of my shelf of games, or over in the crates in the corner.


My computer desk is kinda messy as well.

I'm getting a Digital Camera soon, so I can show you all.

My couch seems to be my laundry basket and a closet most of the time, but otherwise I like to have things neat and organized. Even if to everyone else my organization is just a huge mess 😛
Originally posted by MasterAkumaMatata@Aug 30, 2004 @ 08:25 PM

Did anyone bother to read that article I linked to on my original post? :lol:

After you read it, think about the environment in which you grew up. 🙂

You linked to an article? Whoops. Ah ok, so I did skim it. But that wasn't where the conversation was heading. Anyway, I suppose my house when I was growing up was fairly tidy, if a bit small. Except, again, for my room. It was clean roughly 1/3 of the time, although organization was pretty decent aside from laundry and oft-used toys/games.
I'm a slob. I keep things organized within my own system, but I find too much order to be upsetting - houses with with nothing but clean rooms, new furniture, bad art and white walls make me feel like I'm in an insane asylum. Oh, and for those of you who live with your parents -- I don't think this question really applies, unless you do all the household chores.
Originally posted by joe81@Aug 30, 2004 @ 10:13 PM

read what does this word mean akuma?

Is this drunk joe81 typing? I don't quite understand your question, or the relevance of it. :huh I hope you're not asking me what the word read means. :/
every thing is pretty clean.....except for my closets and the kitchen. no one sees the closets, and i hardly ever go i them so it doesnt matter really if they are messy, but the kitchen..ive given up on that area. My boyfriend eats alot and is very messy, so no matter how many times i clean it, its messy again in 20mins. So ive said the hell with it and let it get dirty, and then finally after like 4 days of disaster(no more clean dishes....piles of stuff of counters..) hell clean it up.
I'm rather organized, myself. The rest of the house (the rooms I don't visit) are very sloppy. My dad probably wouldn't be able to tell you what color stain was used on his desk if you asked him. He needs to be introduced to a bloody filing cabinet. My entire family is like that--they need to make a note to remind themselves to use the comode later that day. So there are stacks of stupid reminders and to do lists all over the house. It makes me so angry. :rant

I read the article. 😀

I might be a little more intelligent since I've always stayed in my own room when I'm at the house. My brother and sister are dumbshits; maybe because they adopted our parents messy house-keeping?? 😱