I'm glad some1..

I'm glad some1..

I'm glad some people like looking at my sister dance.......lol
I'm glad some1..

nah nobody likes your avatar, and after awhile you wish that it had more animation to it. I enjoyed my old avatar the most but i just feelt like changing it.
I'm glad some1..

I don't like mine because it's just a reminder that no one wants to help me set up my FTP (which would ultimately help you all).
I'm glad some1..

I didn't think I'd seen your avatar as anything but showing your 'FTP is down'.

I'd love to help you but I have no idea about setting up an FTP. ???
I'm glad some1..

Setting up the FTP shouldn't be a problem - just get Serv-U, or BulletProof FTP and everything should be fairly easy...
I'm glad some1..

Originally posted by BigDAlcala@July 17 2002, 6:08 am

I don't like mine because it's just a reminder that no one wants to help me set up my FTP (which would ultimately help you all).

I thought for a short time it was up? (At least, your icon said so...)
I'm glad some1..

i think i know what might be wrong with your ftp.

just send me a PM of all the stuff you tried doing with it to set it up and i'll see if i can help you.