just screwed (not literally) my mega drive


today i decided to be a little bit brave and do the region/frequency switch mod to my pal mega drive. This was my first time soldering and it probably wasnt a good idea. You see, i have something wrong with me were i get the shakes in my right arm. needless to say, i made a mess of things.

Anyway, i knew that this was a definite possibility and that is why i did it to my crappiest mega drive. I think that i have wrecked some of the traces on the mobo.

I cut the traces as normal between the jumpers and i actually managed to solder quite well until my arm managed to have a spac-attack mid solder. I accidently bridged two of the jumpers. I then heated up the solder again and seperated it using a knife. I think though that i may have cut into the mobo whilst doing so.

I am going to try and romove the solder and wires and start from scratch. In the meantime does anybody have any ideas?



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Well first off, we cant see SHIT in that pic except that you used blue and green wires. Second, yeah use a desoldering iron next time, alot easier. If you cut to much into the board and damage some line or something, well cant help you there.

oh and hey, dont be ashamed you had sex with your mega drive... i did it with my sega cd and lunar.... ohhhhh memories, youll never forget your first. i even made her orgasm can you believe it.

and im trying to hunt down who changed my title over there to the left... howd you know, only the prime cut baby, PRIME CUT.... its kind of like veal.
Blue and green wires?

Either you're colour blind or I am. :huh:

BTW I think you have Iceman to thank for the title.
mal i think your colour blind... the board is green, those wires are obviousily orange.

[EDIT] wait a second i just read my last post... hrmmm, i think i might be dislexic. :blink: