Lik-sang out of business

It's their legal strategy. Those who are old enough might remember when they were sued out of existence by Nintendo over Gameboy flash carts. The "old" Lik-Sang went bankrupt and company was reborn some months later.
Wasn't there another importer company that was an offshoot of Lik-Sang (after the ram cart thing) supposedly better than Lik-sang? Is that still around?

I purchased a ton of stuff from Lik-Sang back in the day. They'll be missed.
Lan-Kwei was started by (a?) former employee(s?) of Lik-Sang. I've never ordered from them, the site looked a bit jank, and something about the place felt shady to me. I could be wrong about them, I'm kind of a paranoid guy. They're still in business after at least like 3 years, I think the first time I visited them was around three years ago, so they can't be too terrible I guess.

Editing because I just went to see if their site had changed any, and it appears to be gone. Nevermind.
dibz said:
I'm not certain, but my guess is Play-Asia.

Apparently Play Asia is strictly conforming to Sony legal agreements, they don't sell consoles/games to the wrong region customers (unlike Lik Sang)

So they shouldn't worry ;)
Yeah, these were the people. I remember Lan-Kwei popped up right after the ram carts went away at Lik-Sang, and Lan-Kwei was selling them. Go figure.

That's pretty lousy. Anyone out there similar to Lik-Sang?

profshiny said:
Lan-Kwei was started by (a?) former employee(s?) of Lik-Sang. I've never ordered from them, the site looked a bit jank, and something about the place felt shady to me. I could be wrong about them, I'm kind of a paranoid guy. They're still in business after at least like 3 years, I think the first time I visited them was around three years ago, so they can't be too terrible I guess.

Editing because I just went to see if their site had changed any, and it appears to be gone. Nevermind.