Looking for a house....


Staff member
Has anybody had any experience buying govt auctioned houses?

I am currently looking for my own house and from what I hear thats the thing to do. Fix her up.
If you've got the skills to fix up houses, buying a piece of crap and fixing it up would be ideal; houses with only one bathroom sell for particularly low prices. But if they're gov't auctioned houses you have to wonder about the neighborhood, you don't want to live in the crack-whore district of town.
Yea, thats what I am looking for, a fix me up. I am good with fixing stuff up and have friends who are good at woodwork and electrical and plumbing so that helps too.

As to the neighborhoods I am definetly going to look at them beforehand since they are listed. The area I am in I can't think of many "bad" neighborhoods though.

Wish me luck and any other advice would be grand.
If you can, it would be a good plan to have some people check over the house for major problems that aren't immediately obvious. There are a lot of things you can fix - but a major hidden flaw could end up costing you money you weren't planning on spending. Stuff like "Hey, is it just me or is the foundation shifting?" could ruin your day.
Bank foreclosed houses are the best bet. When they go on the auction block, very few people bid on it (usually just the bank). You could make an enormous profit buying them, and re-selling them after fixing them.

And generally, they are much nicer.
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Jun 7, 2004 @ 11:10 AM

One of my clients is a home inspector. Maybe he will give me a discount 😉

That would certainly come in handy. Good luck on your house hunting!
Originally posted by mountaindud@Jun 7, 2004 @ 04:01 AM

If you've got the skills to fix up houses, buying a piece of crap and fixing it up would be ideal; houses with only one bathroom sell for particularly low prices. But if they're gov't auctioned houses you have to wonder about the neighborhood, you don't want to live in the crack-whore district of town.

yeah bathrooms are the most expensive part of the house...
Small world me 2 😉 , i think i m close to closing on this house in Indiana .

Hotdeals04@aol.com is in your neck of the woods , thats that person I didnt feel comfortable with dealing with but you can go look at the house see the deed ect so email her and ask what else shes got .

Think her names amy