Microsoft puts bounty on virus writers


Established Member
On Wednesday 5 October, Microsoft Corporation announced rewards of USD 250,000.00 each for information leading to the arrest of the authors of the MSBlaster and SoBig.F viruses. The company made the announcement in a meeting also attended by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Secret Service and Interpol. These viruses were released in August and caused considerable disruption to business. For details see,4149,1373591,00.asp

:flamethrower: <-- could this be MS?

Representatives from the FBI, Secret Service and Interpol all lauded Microsoft for creating the reward program, but warned that the money would likely not be enough to prevent virus writers from creating and releasing new malware. Still, they said that the cooperation with Microsoft is an important step.

They're coming after you now, mal! :lol: J/K!!!
Errm, Isn't the identity of the auther of the blaster virus known to public? I thought I saw a picture of him on a news site once.. :huh
Do the FBI and Interpol even have any authority in Australia? mal might be safe for now.... :thumbs-up:
Originally posted by Taelon@Nov 10, 2003 @ 01:27 AM

Do the FBI and Interpol even have any authority in Australia? mal might be safe for now.... :thumbs-up:

Without getting into the confusing details, yes.