need 256 colors for old game


Established Member
I'm trying to run an old music game for my wife's students. It's running 2K and the only availible display options is 32bit color.

Is there a way I can spoof it or something?
Hm on my 2k machine I'm using right now 256 colors is an option. Maybe the videocard doesnt support it (which I would find very odd)? I'm using a Radeon 9500pro. 256 colors is an option right above 16 bit.
yeah it's this old cad card.

it's some 3rd party drivers

it only seems to support 32bit color.

I'm just wondering if there is a software workaround
Well I know in XP if you right click on the exe file and pick properties you can go to the compatability tab and theres an option to run that exe in 256 colors. Dunno if 2k has that as well. Probably does buried somewhere. Google it and see.
Originally posted by gameboy900@Jan 22, 2004 @ 05:07 PM

Well I know in XP if you right click on the exe file and pick properties you can go to the compatability tab and theres an option to run that exe in 256 colors. Dunno if 2k has that as well. Probably does buried somewhere. Google it and see.

Looks promising

I'll try it out tonight


BTW, if anyone has any other ideas, lemme know -- just in case!
nope didn't work.

compatibility mode didn't help.

I uninstalled the video card drivers and windows defaulted to 256 colors. The game worked, but everything else looked like crap.

Any way to get both working at the same time?
I'm gonna dump this PC in a few months so I don't want to put more money into it.

They are the only drivers availible for 2000. It's a Intense3D card so support isn't very good.