Need Advice for launch


Established Member
I finally got around to getting a new domain and hosting account from will be availible soon and will, for now, just complement my Blogger blog, not replace it.

I've done web stuff before, but never on my own server with my own content.

So... I'll be posting here with my semi-newbie questions.

First... is there a way to have the headlines of my newest blog posts be displayed on my new website via an ATOM feed?
Well I haven't paid much attention to RSS/ATOM, but from what I understand of it, what you ask should be possible.

I *think* that RSS/ATOM are pull standards like e-mail so effectively you need to get your website to poll the ATOM feed for updates. If your webhost allows you to add cron jobs, you could set up a cron job that runs a PHP script to check the feed every X minutes. If your host doesn't support cron jobs you could add a little php to the top of the page displaying the headlines that keeps track of how many minutes it's been since the last feed update and if it's been more than X minutes, it updates.

It wouldn't surprise me if there's software to do this already.
Racketboy, on your website, only blogger can post feeback. That's a pitty, some months ago, I could post a comment, but now I can't. Can you change this?
Originally posted by Rockin'-B@Mon, 2005-10-24 @ 04:54 PM

Racketboy, on your website, only blogger can post feeback. That's a pitty, some months ago, I could post a comment, but now I can't. Can you change this?

[post=141018]Quoted post[/post]​

I changed it because I get a LOT of spam if I don't.

It's really a shame.

Now they have a character verfication thing -- so maybe that will take care of it...
If you're ever looking for webhosting, *plug* Site5 lets you have cron jobs as well as Fantastico (install wordpress etc for you)... 🙂
Depends on what you want, if you want the absolute cheapest with 5 pointers and unlimited parked I think its like $12/month if you just go by month to month. The Multisite Express package is killer, best way is to check out