Never thought I'd see this.

March 30th... All shell breaks loose!

Been watching the development of this one for a few years now. :-D

I'm a little disappointed with what 4KidsTV had done with the cartoon this coming season, and hoping the whole future world storyline only lasts one season.
Honestly it looks pretty good, but a trailer isn't much to go on as that's all I've seen. Any word on if the new Transformers movie is going to be any good? I'm a sucker for this stuff, I just never have any time to keep up with these things.
Transformers... It's either gonna be a fun, popcorn movie that uses some of the ideas us Transfans are familiar with but makes the characters its own, or it's gonna be an insult to all G1 fans everywhere. Despite all the early talk and hype, it is now clear that none of the characters will be the ones we're familiar with. And with the VERY large number of bigger stars with roles in the movie, don't expect the bots to get much screen time at all. People who claim to have read the script have said that Megatron only has TWO lines in the whole movie!!! Megatron!!! The leader of the bad-guys, who is supossed to get ALL the good lines!!! My hope is that it will just not suck, and do well enough to merit a sequel, but a sequel with a less-known director. Get someone to helm it who wants to make the characters' movie, not use the characters in the background of his own movie. Ya know how the Harry Potter movies got 10 times better when they got fresh directors on them instead of the guy from Home Alone and Mrs. Doubtfire? Something like that.
Ack, that makes me worry quite a bit about the movie. Here's hoping for not sucking.
I'm not sure if I like the look of Megatron or not, we'll have to see what it looks like once it's farther along I guess.