New Version of Mozilla and FireFox!

The new releases (1.7 and 0.9) are still in the release candidate stage. They should be close to the final release, but as is evident from Mozilla going through a third RC, there can be problems.
grrr, this one sucks. Everytime it wants to download sumthin, it wants to download to my floppy drive or sumthin. It always tells me there isn't enuf disck space on my A drive then will let me download it sumplace else. I have it set to downlaod everything to the f'in Z drive! grrr, this is makin me mad 🙁. Anyone know how to fix this?

Oh, and it wont lemme right click and just hit save to disk (where it autosaves and puts it in the z drive liek I tell it to in options) it just has save link as... which really bugs. Can anyone help?
Pearl - go Tools->Options->Downloads and select the "Ask me where to save every file" radio button.

I'm using 0.9RC right now, but many of the old extensions don't work. I might go back to 0.8 if I can be bothered.
I always wondered this:

Why does firefox not allow the right clicking and copying of images. That's so inconvienient.
i cant get it to work right with hotmail either. all the frames and windws work correctly until i try to reply. at which point none of the options at the top of the letter (font, emotioncons, all that stuff) fail to load. and you cant send a message if those dont load up since whatever you write will be blank.
right click and copy image works for me....

Gunna try what u said curtis, see how she works. I see them commin out w/ a new version shortly...this one seems relatively buggy