Nintendo Holds off on Wii DVD


Staff member
Nintendo's planned DVD-ready Wii system appears to be on hold at the moment. The morning edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports today that at a stock holder meeting on the 27th, company president Satoru Iwata said of the device, "With supply constraints [of the Wii] continuing worldwide, the priority is on the current model."

This updated Wii system has been mentioned by Nintendo before only in vague terms. The firm originally suggested a release date of some time last year.

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With bluray etc would adding DVD functionality really be worth it. Most people with Wii's probably already have a DVD player, those seeking DVD playback will likely seek a PS3. Too little too late?
Too little too late?

More like "Why bother?"

Even if they do decide to add DVD, I'd personally think it's the best choice if they want to go that direction. They sure as hell aren't targeting technology enthusiasts, and people they are targeting I'd imagine mostly stick to DVD still -- since quite a lot of people have "shelf space" as a concern, it makes sense if even just for a larger storage medium or literally as a tacked on feature. It's obviously not something they consider important, and I personally agree.
I myself own a Wii, but in all honesty I'd rather they invest time in expanding the built in storage (currently 500mb) or releasing an external HDD or somesuch.

I daresay the existing drive is already DVD capable (wouldn't make sense to use a non standard drive these days), and in all likely hood adding playback probably is little more than a firmware upgrade away.

My point was, people (which as I said, includes myself) didn't buy the Wii for DVD playback, they bought it for its unique controls and gameplay. My own reaction is something to the effect of 'meh', its nice.. but its definately not a deal breaker.
djbass said:
My own reaction is something to the effect of 'meh', its nice.. but its definately not a deal breaker.

Honestly, I think that's Nintendo's reaction too. People bug them for it, but honestly, I doubt anything will come of it that isn't some obscure Japanese product.