Nintendo Soundtracks

Yea, please let us know what soundtrack you'd like to see.

Also, if you have any Nintendo-related soundtracks that you have to contribute, drop either Iceman2k or myself an email.
When are you(Iceman2k) going to upload the Segata Grandia commercial? I asked a few months ago before you started with those music videos.

Please promise me Karny you will not upload anymore music videos.
Heh, I've never uploaded a music video :p

Either way, at the point in time, content is content.

I'm feeling a bit disillusioned about NX/TW at the moment, but I'm thinking about the path that it must take and the content it needs in order to be successful.

Maybe it's just not worth the effort anymore...
Actualy, Karny, like he said, had nothing to do with the music videos. Ice had two of them on his hdd, and I had two. I ul'd my ones to ice and he ul'd all of them from their. Due to some problems with servers atm though, I know that at least one (the zelda vid) is broken.

As far as music goes, I unfortunatly have nothing to contribute...yet. But if at all possible I would love to see the Super Metroid sound track up for for dl.
Zelda 3
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 4 & 6
Super Castlevania 4

cant really think of anymore right now...