No sound coming from Saturn....


Established Member
Okay guys, It's been a year since I last played my Saturn, and I've had up to here with it's fucking sound problems. Neither my RF Adaptors work, and the A/V Cables I have don't put out any sound! ARGH!

I have official RF Adaptors, and A/V Cables. Why don't they work?! ARGH! Maybe it's my Saturn....

What can I do guys? If it's my Saturn that is....

Anybody got any extra A/V Cables?
I have some at my garage sale, but think their are dibs on them (I think Ammut was interested in them, but he hasn't got back with me)

OT: and before you pester me again about the Sega Visions, I haven't decided yet as I'm still scanning other stuff first.
I have had the same prob with one of my saturns. The connectors in the AV port are stuffed, or not making contact properly. Try putting the AV cable in the slot then pushing the connector to one side so tht you are forcing it on an angle. This may cause more harm then good though, but at least you will know what the problem is!

Here is the pinout so you know in what direct to push/shove/break :)