OGM Questions


Mid Boss
OGM is neat, but playback is jerky. I've used both WMP 9 and Zoom Media Player to play it - same result. I turned advanced rendering off, and tried w/ subtitles, w/o subtitles, different streams - no noticeable speed up (or down). Is there any way to fix this?

Come to think of it, I did notice this jerkiness on an Xvid encoded file a while back. Is it an Xvid specific thing (aka need to update the codecs?).
Hmm, well some Xvid codecs are crappy. The downside of Xvid is the slew of builds floating around there, its not like a closed project where THIS is your codec version xx and there you are. I used to use Koepi's builds, but I found Nic's to be much more reliable. However, this is assuming that the .ogm in question is indeed Xvid, and even then I don't know how much the ogg directshow filter is involved. I'm only speaking from the point of having some xvid-encoded AVIs that had crappy playback. The old Koepi build (aka stable) gave me horrible image quality, and the new (unstable) one was jerky as heck on an Athlon XP 2600+ (I use WMP9, but found player didn't matter as you've also encountered).

Anyway, its possible you're running into the same issue. Nic's page is here. Just get his 16/07/03 release, uninstall your old one, and install that. Worth a show. He also has a directshow decoder-only, but I haven't tried that.
Holy Sh*T! That was the reason. Thank you, thank you very much Alex. And here I thought it was me, but no, I've been using Koepi all this time. Many, many thanks.
I'm just glad I could help. It took me a while to pin down the problem, I thought it was just the particular encodes of some-or-another anime my friend downloaded. Some xvids would play perfectly fine, but others like crap. Really weird looking, it was just skipping tons and tons of frames!