Anyone believe that this flu-shot craze is getting a tad ridiculous? It would seem that people are just buying into what is really a inflated feeding frenzy, just like the west nile virus, shark-attacks, etc that we've seen in recent past. Personally, I can understand why elderly and young children would need it, but others are not really at incredibly high risk.

Ironically, I would bet that many may catch the flu while waiting in incredibly long lines outside in order to get a shot.
Yeah, not to mention that people often catch it from the vaccine itself, and the occasionally the vaccine for that year doesn't even cover the most prevalent strain at the time.

Then again, a hell of a lot of peopled died of influenza in the early 20th century. It's definitely a lot more deadly than sharks or the west nile virus.
I've gotten the flu before. I love it. I have no clue why but I love being sick because after It's over I can apreciate being healthy and I get to miss school which is always a bonus.
actually, lots more people are getting sick than is usual, and hte projected number of people who will die of it this year is much higher htan usual as well. I get the flu every year, I'm just hoping I can get moved before it happens this year.
Last time I got a flu shot, it put me in the hospital for three days. The flu I got from it was so bad, it sent my blood sugar out of whack and I ended up nearly in a coma.

In the 12 years since, I've only actualy had the flu three times. In the five years I got flu shots, I got the flu 10 times, once with the shot and once a few weeks later when I picked up that year's actual strain with an already weak immune system still recovering from the previous flu.

You want to avoid the flu without any drugs or vaccinations? It is called frequent hand washing and dressing for the weather. Simple as that.
If someone gets the flu from a flu shot, it was defective. If this is actually a common occurrence, someone needs to be smacked hard with a class-action lawsuit.
I'm pretty sure that there is some type of clause somewhere excluding vaccines from that type of legal action, as there is some risk involved with any vaccine.
I've got the flu right now, and it sucks big time. I didn't get very much sleep, and Nyquil didn't help as much as it usually does. I feel OK now, but that's because I'm fairly drugged up. Lately a LOT of people have been getting sick with cold/flu. With highly contagious viruses, just washing your hands and dressing for the weather isn't always enough. I probably got it from someone at school, its not like people are going to skip finals because they are sick. But, as always when I am sick I'll take lots of vitamin C, and hopefully I can shrug this off pretty soon. Advil and Dayquil have been my medicines of choice lately, heh.

As for getting a flu shot, I don't know. It is semi-common to get a flu from the shot, and as it290 said, who knows if it will even immunize you from the prevalent strain. So, I guess I'm not that big on flu shots myself, I rarely get it anyway, but I guess this year has been pretty bad.
I feel good for being flu-resistant by nature 🙂

I *never* had those week-long flus. The worse it can get is my nose producing horrendous amounts of disguisting stuff so fast it defies the reality, or me feeling dizzy all the time, or being unable to remain awake no matter what. I never get more than two symptoms at once, and it usually lasts one or two days.

Maybe I got resistant after I got pneumonia when I was 7 or something. I spent a week in a hospital, and it was HORRIBLE. Not being sick and stuff (I didn't remember feeling too bad), but being there in the hospital, with a RETARDED nurse who didn't know she didn't have to use a new needle every goddamn fucking time they needed to replace the serum! Damn! My arm was full of red dots when it all ended.


It prolly traumatized me for life and uncounsciously I developed l33t defenses against all flu-esque deceases to avoid going through all that again =]

Ah I'm sick as a dog and throwing up on my sheets and i'm lovin every minuete of it. And they said I didnt need a vaccine. "we only are giving it to those at risk"... my ass.

Well no school for me. Easy, and dizzy sailing to christmas break, gentlemen
After looking for stuff online, I'm still finding it hard to believe that people actually get the flu from the shot (the nasal spray is another story). AFAIK, getting the flu from a flu shot is about as likely to happen as booting a PC by throwing all the parts randomly into a box and shaking it.
I'm a strong believer in mind-over-matter.

I havn't been sick in a long time, and when i do get sick, it's minor like a sore throat or runny/stuffy nose.

Hell, I walk to and from college almost every day in the cold rain, and I stay up real late. I'd say I'm really susceptible to flus/colds.

The only thing that does get me down is my chronic illness, migraine headaches. Blech. Hate those like I hate carrots, my allergic arch-nemesis.

No flu shots for me either, not worth the trouble.

Originally posted by jeff-20@Dec 12, 2003 @ 01:31 AM

Do you mean that lighting device for the GP32.... FLU?

lolololol... :blink:
Hmm, I don't know, I've definitely experienced getting the flu after actually having a shot (and I mean like one or two days after), but it probably is more common for some symptoms to manifest themselves without actually coming down with the disease. That definitely happens fairly often.
I've definitely experienced getting the flu after actually having a shot (and I mean like one or two days after

I think in a case like this it's plausible that you already caught the flu, and the drain on your immune system from the vaccine gave it an opportunity to find its footing.

it probably is more common for some symptoms to manifest themselves without actually coming down with the disease

Yeah, one or two of the symptoms (e.g. fever, maybe fatigue) are going to be caused by the basic immune response in the first place, so for those it doesn't matter if you're actually infected or not.
Yeah, I hadn't really thought of that, but it's a definite possibility. I know it takes some time for symptoms to manifest after infection, and I suppose the vaccine could have acted as a 'decoy' that my immune system went after while letting the other virus run rampant. Although if it was a strain that was in the vaccine, I wouldn't think it would make a difference (?). I would still be no more immune at that point either though, I guess.
Originally posted by M3d10n@Dec 14, 2003 @ 05:59 AM

I feel good for being flu-resistant by nature 🙂

I *never* had those week-long flus. The worse it can get is my nose producing horrendous amounts of disguisting stuff so fast it defies the reality, or me feeling dizzy all the time, or being unable to remain awake no matter what. I never get more than two symptoms at once, and it usually lasts one or two days.

Prick. See how your l33t defenses handle anthrax in your coffee.