Our traffic


Staff member
Thought you guys might be curious the kind of traffic we get. This is broken in to 3 images, one for segaxtreme.net (static pages), the forums, and lotgd. On the top right of each image it says which one it is for. Note the amount of traffic is without any large downloads such as music or movies.




We definately have the traffic. And no, most of these are NOT crawlers. :beerglass:
For the most part it's just extremely busy. While no one ever talks in the forums, they do use the site frequently for the Developer, Manual, and Magazine sections for instance.
What I've discovered with my own site, you'll find that web traffic peaks while school is in session. Summers make for a nice slow down in the number of visitors, but fewer visitors doesn't always mean less bandwidth usage.
Actually it seems to depend on the portion of the website. If you're talking where people actually participate such as the forums, then yeah, you're right. But the general site (non-forums) remains busy at all times.