Progressive scan

For some reason when i have my DVD player output to my tv in progressive scan it splits the image and puts 2 of them on the screen. Why?

I have component video cables specifically made for this.. im not sure what could be wrong.
I would assume my television is compatible considering it has component in ports on the back...

but the other i will hafta check out.. my dvd player uses 480p.. perhaps my isnt compatible with that?
component doesn't mean progessive. I have component in on my tv and it's not progessive, I think that might be your problem. Component is just capable of running progessive, but it doesn't unless both the tv and the device support progessive.
Oh i see.. i just assumed that if a tv had component ins it was capable of progressive scan.. i guess ill need to check the manual..

Aside from that.. even if progressive scan isnt possible having my dvd hooked up to the tv via the component ports is still the best picture quality correct?
Originally posted by RitualOfTheTrout@Dec 18, 2003 @ 10:49 PM

Oh i see.. i just assumed that if a tv had component ins it was capable of progressive scan.. i guess ill need to check the manual..

Aside from that.. even if progressive scan isnt possible having my dvd hooked up to the tv via the component ports is still the best picture quality correct?
