Questions about snot


Established Member
Why is it that you can blow your nose all day and still there's snot? Where does it come from? Why doesn't your head overflow with it all, snot oozing through your mouth and your eyeballs until you're just a big walking snotball? I'd really like to know where the hell it all comes from.. In case you haven't guessed, I've got quite a vicious cold.
Mucus lines a huge part of your respiratory system. When you're sick, that mucus is trying to remove whatever is causing you to feel sick. Generally mucus transports whatever down your throat to your stomach, where the bacteria is destroyed by the HCl that lines it.

Much like coughing and sneezing, it's the bodies' reaction to fight sickness.
Don't feel compelled to respond Falstaff, I'm asking because I don't know and I want to know.

OK, so when you blow your nose it's hasn't been to your stomach has it? Does that mean it's necessary to have all that crap in your stomach in order to neutralize it? Does blowing your nose serve any purpose apart from making you a bit sore?

Maybe we should turn this into the 'things you always wondered about but were too afraid to ask' thread.
blowing your nose can be bad since sometimes people blow their nose with only one nostral and the other blocked this causes ear problems.
Originally posted by jim993@June 28 2002,10:05

blowing your nose can be bad since sometimes people blow their nose with only one nostral and the other blocked this causes ear problems.

Please tell me you are joking!
i'm not. do to the preasure of you blowing and the air not fully escaping the air and snot has to go somewhere.
All that stuff is linked.. nose, ears and mouth. My girlfriend had her tonsils out the other week and got an ear infection as a result.
i was practically deaf one time because i had a really bad cold that messed my ears up heavily. I've had many ear problems do to colds andas a result i think i have hearing impairments. I mean i sound differently then everyone that lives around me i pronounce words differently then everyone even though i spent my whole life in the same area. Also as a kid i was a terrible speller probably since i was hearing words differently so i'd spell them the way i heard them.

(strange how i prounounce words the way they should be pronounced nobody does that and i tend to ununciate things)
when i was a baby i used to get killer ear infections and because of that, my trhoat would swell up to a critical point of me having to go to the doctor before it swelled shut.
Originally posted by Gallstaff@June 28 2002,14:44

when i was a baby i used to get killer ear infections and because of that, my trhoat would swell up to a critical point of me having to go to the doctor before it swelled shut.

When I was a baby I had something like that, but mine was due to a somewhat rare condition called viral croupe.

I am told I was in the hospital for several days.

You could cause ear damage by blowing your nose, but you'd have to do it pretty hard.