Reaction to recent changes here

I stopped coming here for a few days, but when I checked back in, I was pleased.

I think the mods have taken a step toward making this a better board. I just want to say that. (one good recent descision, and half way there on another...)

I want to make a suggestion for a new section in the "others" category. I want a "handheld and portable" section. I think it would get a lot of traffic.

Anyone else have any suggestions or constructive ideas? Or can back up or deny my suggestion?
well what other hanhelds are there to talk about besides GG? Gameboy, that's it rlly. Sure you have the GP32, N-Gage, and if u wanted u could add the tapwave. Really the only major one is gameboy, and everyone should go to NX for that.

I too love the Sonics....they are sezzy 🙂

BTW, why is the online GENS server always down? I can hardly ever get into it :-\
I had an idea, not so much a recommendation, but how about we have a section, where I don't know, but if we added a gamecube, xbox and ps2 section, BUT only and I mean ONLY to talk about sega products on these systems... just a thought..
Originally posted by jeff-20@Dec 29, 2003 @ 04:15 PM

I am just happy some of the more annoying members are gone! 😀

Why set up sections for the current consoles just to talk about Sega stuff? This generation of consoles gets talked about all the time on here, and not just for Sega stuff.

Amen to that. I'd decided to stop coming in, luckily that only lasted a few days with the way things turned out :lol: .
We do have a Gamecube section. And I could make a "New Consoles" section.

Maybe later today after I get my paperwork done.
maybe, like, a section for contributions, and a section on the sx tool bar called collections where u can post pics of ur collections, that would be kool
Am I losing it or has my post been edited for no apparent reason? And where did that warning come from :huh:
Hmm.. Apparently it was for insulting a racist, I think I can live with that.

What I posted before (and perhaps deleted myself stupidly?) was in response to Stack99, people often discuss the current consoles on here (and not exclusively Sega related stuff) so if they did bring in boards for those consoles, there wouldn't be much point in restricting in to Sega games. Apart from you might get a few less threads debating which is the best console, I guess. I mean, there's a PC games forum now (good addition BTW) and there's hardly any Sega PC games.
The Sonics are nice! Nice work!

How about adding any extra skins? Like different coloured, or game themed skins? Would be a nice thing to make it a little more personalized. I'd be up for making some. Just a suggestion. 🙂
I think the Nintendo extreme should just blend into this area... I want to post there because I have a Game Doctor SNES copier for sale. But I am too lazy to sign up for a whole new board.

With the limited number of posts, we should just let nintendo matriculate into this area. There are more comments on nintendo here in the sega section!
The reason people post Nintendo stuff here is because they don't think any one posts at NX, so less people post at NX. Viscious circle really.

Just go sign up already!
I have been trying to post all nintendo stuff at NX.

As for the changes, I like everything. I also hope the zero tolerance helps to cut down the flame wars that have occured here the past few weeks.