Real Life Silent Hill


Staff member

In the mountains of PA there is a coal mine fire underground that will burn for a long time. This is truly a real life Silent Hill without the monsters.

I remember going there as a kid and the roads were all bubbly and now the roads are all mangled and heavily cracked. There is smoke coming out of the ground in alot of places.

There is enough fuel for the fire to burn from 1000 years as it is the biggest vein of coal in the world.

Just something to talk about.

Does your area have anything freaky around like this?

Edit: Links Fixed
Not really. We do have a bunch of idiots that hold golf tournaments on the lake every year in the middle of winter.
I wish we had things around here that freakin' cool. I want to go visit that right away.

Here in south Florida we don't have much for really cool places like that. Maybe a couple of dead streets in the middle of the ghetto or out in the woods where all the bums now live.

There's also a couple "haunted houses" some may call it. There just old run down churches and mansions that have been condemned though. I know a friend of mine made a movie in one of them... it's somewhere down toward Ft. Lauderdale.